Rabu, 27 November 2013

Pidato Kedua Lomba di Mercu

nah, kalo yang ini pidato pas lomba di hari kedua. sekali lagi maaf ya kalo salah, namanya juga manusia.

The Miracle of Dream


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning/good afternoon everyone.

My name is Arjuno Calmi Ridoi Robi. I’m from SMAN 5 Tangerang Selatan. Today I want to deliver my speech about : The miracle of dream.

I thank to God For giving health, time, and many other reason for us to reassamble in this beautiful university and beautiful day.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Did you ever had a dream? Maybe about your girlfriend/boyfriend? Or, maybe you are dreaming about your exercise from your fierce teacher? No, we are not talking about that. We are talking about the dream that come when you are feeling so much want to explode. Why? Because you saw that you want to be like him/her. Do you understand with what I mean?

Ladies and gentleman,

Now we are talking about the dream when you are not sleep. The dream that makes you want to do some movement into your life. Maybe you want to be a diva? A president? An astronaut? A great actor/actrees? You can be anyone that you want! I’m not call it a dream. I call it hope. Why? Because you must be so hoping when you have a something to be realize in your life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Is that true that you can be anyone that you want? Yes, the answer is yes. But, how? Here some tips that will changing your life forever. First, you must to believe in yourself that you can do it. Just like Nike say : Just Do It. Hey, are you kidding me right now? No, I’m so serious right now! Because the limit that always haunted in our life it because of ourself! Hey, don’t be surprise with that sentence! When you are almost close with the thing that you want, I’m so sure that you are definitely said : Hey, I can’t do it! Stop it right now! I will give you a formula for that! No, don’t be so scare with my formula, it doesn’t have relation with maths or physics! The formula is : E+R=O, or Event+Response=Outcome! The example of the event is like you getting bad score in your chemistry. But, there are two possibility. First, your response is sad, and you hate that lesson. Then, you’ll getting yourself in the complicated problem that doesn’t have resolution. Or, you can changing your response with you will study hard again to getting good score, and you’ll fine that you can do it. Every success people in this world must be ever falling down. But, they use these experience to getting good outcome in the next event. 

Ladies and gentlemen,

The second tips, you must to write all of your hope/dream with the reason why you want to become to, and put it in the place that you always using, maybe like bathroom’s mirror, your door, your monitor, etc. That will help you remember what is your purpose of your life. The third tips is : Just Do It! Yes, if you want to be successful man in the career that you want, you have to do what you must to do. The example is like you want to be a strong men, but you wanted someone to do what you must to do to getting strong body. Isn’t that crazy?

Ladies and gentlemen,

The forth tips is : believe it to yourself that you’ll be what you want to be, and be yourself. This is so important things that you have to do. The last but not  least tips is : remember what is your achievement that you have reach before. This thing will giving you motivation to do what you have to do to be what you want.

Ladies and gentlemen,

There are so many example of the dreams that came true. It’s like Helen Keller, Wright Brothers, Benjamin Franklin, One Direction, etc. So, come on guys, this is the time. The conclusion that we can take from this speech is just like what Agnez Monica always said : Dream, Believe, Make it Happen.

Farewell, that’s all of my speech. I’m apologize if there are words that cannot be acceptable. I hope you can get the good side of my speech.

Good morning/good afternoon. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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